Quarterly report for the period from 1 January to 31 March 2004
Jean Quiby, C-SRNWP Programme Manager
Until now, participations:
- At the wish of the WMO, presentation of a talk on 'Impacts of non-conventional observing
systems on regional NWP' at the 'Third WMO Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing
Systems on NWP', 9-12 March 2004, Alpbach (Austria).
- In the frame of THORPEX, participation at the NA-TReC Meeting of Toulouse (Meteo-France,
16-17 March 2004).
- The EUMETNET Programmes EUCOS and SRNWP were represented at this meeting together with the
For the year 2004, the 3 SRNWP Workshops are now finalised and have been announced.
- SRNWP Workshop on Meso-scaleVerification, 14-15 June at KNMI
- SRNWP/HIRLAM Workshop on surfaceprocesses and assimilation of surface parameters,
15-17 September at SMHI
- Joint SRNWP/Met Office/HIRLAMWorkshop on Variational Assimilation, 15-17th November
at the Met Office
- Contact has already been established with met.no for the organisation of the SRNWP Annual
Meeting (4-7 October)
Beginning of 2004, have been sent to the CO:
- thedetailled SRNWP Annual Report 2003
- the SRNWPFinancial Report 2003
- Text and Figures for the EUMETNETAnnual Report 2003
The SRNWP Web Site has reached an average of some 250 calls per month.