Report 2004-qrt3: July - September
Jean Quiby, C-SRNWP Programme Manager
Web-site of the Programme
Many hours have been spent improving the internal structure of the site (invisible for the users).
This site has grown to a size that was not foreseen when it started life. A profound remodelling of
this site will become soon or later necessary.
Annual Meeting 2004
In close collaboration with the local organiser (, preparation of the meeting (dates of the
meeting: 4-6 October).
- Participation at the 4th SRNWP/HIRLAM Workshop on SurfaceProcesses and Assimilation of Surface
Variables (15-17 September, Norrköping,Sweden)
- Participation at the 6th Annual Meeting of the COSMOConsortia (22-24 September, Linate, Italy)
with presentation of the Programmeactivities.
Outlook for 2004/4
- 26th EWGLAM Meeting & 11th SRNWP Meeting in Oslo, 4-6October. Then writing of the 2
rapports (EWGLAM and SRNWP) and collect of all the presentations for the SRNWP web site.
- Help in the preparation of the 'Proposal of the NWSfor a 'Research Training Network for
high-resolution NWP' in theframe of the EU FP6 Human Resources and Mobility instrument'.
Only if this proposition will be accepted at the Annual Meeting in Oslo (4-6 October).
- Participation at the 'Joint SRNWP/Met Office/HIRLAMWorkshop on Variational Data Assimilation
(Exeter, 15-17 November).
- Participation at theFirst THORPEX International Science Symposium. 6-10 December, Montreal,