The main work of the Programme Manager (PM) has been related to the redaction of the four Programmes Proposals by the respective 'Redaction Committees'(see Quarterly Report 2006-4). With these Committees, the PM had intensive exchanges and wrote the first draft for two of these Proposals.
Proposals have been drafted for the four following Programmes:
Three of these four Proposals have been sent to the EUMETNET Secretariat March 15 and have been discussed by Council at its 30th Meeting (12-13 April in Aberdeen).
The Proposal for a Programme on 'Common verification for and intercomparison between the four SRNWP models' has finally not been submitted, as the Redaction Committee was not convinced that it was a good proposal. The main reason was that - due to shortage of time - a thorough discussion on the basic issues has not taken place.
12-13 March, Météo-France, Toulouse.
Participation to the Joint NetFAM / COST-722 Workshop on Cloudy Boundary Layer, 14 March, Météo-France, Toulouse.
Visit to the EUMETNET Secretariat to bring to the three Programmes Proposals (SRNWP, Interoperability and LAM-EPS) the last formal changes under the guidance of the EUMETNET CO,21-23 March, SMHI, Norrköping.
Participation to the 'Third SRNWP Workshop on High Resolution Data Assimilation'.
Rapporteur of the Working Group on 'Operational assimilation at 10 km resolution'.