Quarterly Report for 2011-qrt4 and Financial Statement


Gergely Bölöni, C-SRNWP PM
Hungarian Meteorological Service
1024 Budapest, Kitaibel Pal utca 1., Hungary


5 March, 2012

1. Headlines

An important activity of the C-SRNWP Programme in the first two quarters of 2011 was our contribution to the discussions and the redaction of the EUMETNET Forecasting Roadmap (which was coming from the fact that the C-SRNW Programme Manager was acting as Interim Forecasting Capability Programme Manager as well from January till September). Special emphasis was put on the links with the other roadmaps: observations and climate. The Roadmap document was updated based on the comments of STAC, PFAC and Assembly respectively and its final version was produced during the summer.

Another important activity of the programme in the fourth quarter of the year was to compose the requirements for the anticipated projects within the Forecasting Capability Area (namely EPS, Nowcasting and C-SRNWP) in the new phase of the EUMETNET Programme (2013-2017).

The application of the radar data processed by OPERA in NWP was promoted with the proposal for the dissemination of volume data (besides the 2D composites, which are presently disseminated) with possible quality flagging on board Odyssey. The discussions emerged in the submission of a questionnaire by the OPERA management to the SRNWP centers. Through the questionnaire SRNWP centers could express their requirements for making the OPERA products most usable in NWP (data assimilation). This questionnaire has also been taken into account when composing the OPERA project requirements for the next programme phase.

The organization of the annual EWGLAM/SRNWP meeting (to be held in Estonia at 10-13 October, 2011) was an important event during the year enabling scientific presentations and discussions between consortia staff.

Scientific discussions took place on the relation of data assimilation and ensemble forecasting during a dedicated workshop at the beginning of the year (22-24 February, Bologna). At the workshop also possible arrangements have been discussed between SRNWP members for a possible (high resolution) lateral boundary coupling (LBC) strategy based on (extra increased resolution, or variable resolution) runs of the IFS (ECMWF) model. The discussion emerged in the preparation of a test LBC data set by ECMWF (stored on a masked grid to save disk space), which is being evaluated technically by the SRNWP centers, which are potential users.

The extension of the surface database for surface model validations (maintained by the COSMO consortium) has been continued, incorporating two new sites during 2011: Valday (Russia) and Debrecen (Hungary).

2. Status of programmatic targets

The main activity of the C-SRNWP programme is the scientific and technical (operational) coordination between the five LAM Consortia in Europe (ALADIN, COSMO, HIRLAM, LACE and Met Office). The coordination is ensured by the eight Expert Teams (data assimilation and use of observations; diagnostics, validation and verification; dynamics and lateral boundary coupling; link with applications; physical parameterization: upper air; predictability and EPS; surface and soil processes: model and data assimilation; system aspects) established in the previous years and through the regular correspondence (including the annual meeting) between the members of the SRNWP Advisory Committee. Recent information can be found about the programme in general and about the workplans of the Expert Teams in particular at the SRNWP webpage hosted by the Hungarian Meteorological Service

2.1 Expert Team issues

The Expert Teams continued their activities based on their respective work plans. Also the expert teams have significantly helped the finalization of the scientific programme for the EWGLAM/SRNWP meeting (held in October in Tallinn). One of the most active expert team has been the Expert Team on "Surface and Soil processes (model and data assimilation)" organized a working day at ECMWF (taking an opportunity that most of the Expert Team members were present at the ECMWF seminar on Data Assimilation of Atmosphere and Ocean). The presentations and discussions held at the working day can be found on the web at ECMWF.

The Members (and especially the chair) of the Expert Team on "Predictability and EPS" were very active and helpful in the preparation of project requirements for the anticipated EPS Project to be submitted in the new programme phase of EUMETNET.

The Expert Team on "Data Assimilation" (together with the SRNWP Advisory Committee) has helped the newly nominated C-SRNWP Programme Manager in the second half of the year in taking over the coordination between OPERA and SRNWP on the use of radar data (OPERA products).

During the composition of project requirements for an anticipated nowcasting project/activity to be possibly submitted in the new programme phase of EUMETNET, it has emerged that presently there is no group of experts in the field of nowcasting, which can be addressed with questions or, which could give advices. Therefore the project/activity requirements themselves include a proposal to possibly establish an expert team on nowcasting in the future.

2.2 SRNWP Advisory Committee issues

The SRNWP Advisory committee has helped the C-SRNWP Programme by i) commenting the roadmap document of the proposed Forecasting Capability Area; ii) helping the new C-SRNWP Programme Manager to progress in the ongoing dialogue between the SRNWP and the OPERA community on the use of volume data for assimilation purposes into NWP models; iii) commenting the proposed project requirements for the new programme phase within the Forecasting area (C-SRNWP, EPS, Nowcasting).

2.3 Links with the partners

During the year, the main partners of the programme were the members themselves, other EUMETNET programems (e.g. OPERA, EUCOS), and ECMWF. Programme members were informed about the evolution of the C-SRNWP programme and their contribution was asked in particular questions (i.e. concerning the nowcasting project requirements). The OPERA programme (as mentioned earlier in the report) was an important partner of C-SRNWP during the year continuing the dialogue on the possible use of radar volume products in NWP. A dialogue with ECMWF has started about the possible future dissemination of dedicated (higher/variable resolution lateral boundary conditions including possibly 06 and 18 UTC runs).

3. Communication and cooperation

Besides email correspondence and web conferences, many face to face meetings were organized in order to keep the necessary communication, namely:

4. Benefits Delivery

Drafting the roadmap for the proposed Forecasting Capability Area, and the composition of requirements of the anticipated projects/activities (C-SRNWP, EPS, Nowcasting) in the new programme phase of EUMETNET may ensure a smooth transition of the present European SRNWP activities to the proposed new structure of the EUMETNET governance beyond 2012. The coordination on the future application of OPERA products in NWP models may ensure an enhanced quality of short range forecasts on the long term.

5. Financial report

Date: 16.01.2012
End of Year 2011 Income and Expenditure Statement
2011 End of Year Statement 2011 Approved Programme Budget Difference from Budget Approved 2012 Programme Budget
R1 Contributions from participating members 35,000 35,000 0 35,000
R2 In kind subsidy of the Hungarian Meteorological Service 1,085 0 1,085 0
Total Revenue 36,085 35,000 1,085 35,000
C1 Salary 30,000 30,000 0 30,000
C2 PM Travel 6,085 5,000 1,085 5,000
Total cost: 36,085 35,000 1,085 35,000
Balance in year - surplus / (deficit) 0 0 0 0
S1 Surplus at start of year 0 0 0 0
S2 Approved allocation to revenue 0 0 0 0
S3 In year project surplus or deficit 0 0 0 0
S4 Surplus at end of period 0 0 0 0

6. Risks and issues

None to report.

7. Programme change requests

None to request.

8. Outlook for 2012

Possible changes are to be made on the three relevant project requirements within the Forecasting Are (EPS, Nowcasting, C-SRNWP) along the possible recommendations of STAC/PFAC. The dialogue between the SRNWP community and the OPERA programme is planned to be continued on the use of volume products for data assimilation purposes till the final decision on the OPERA programme targets in the new programme phase. It is planned that the C-SRNWP PM will try to harmonize and communicate the needs of SRNWP consortia towards ECMWF concerning lateral boundary conditions from the IFS EPS system. A cooperation between the C-SRNWP, E-AMDAR and EUCOS programmes is foreseen concerning the Humidity Business Case (trial of humidity sensors on board of aircrafts) by delegating a data assimilation expert to the Humidity Business Case Task Team and by the likely involvement of SRNWP centers in the related impact studies.

Together with the Expert Teams and the consortia leaders, the C-SRNWP PM will organize the scientific programme of the next EWGLAM/SRNWP meeting to be held in Helsinki (8-11 October).

9. List of assets

None to report.