Public data

1. About

This projects provides good quality operational data from a limited set of well instrumented and high quality observation sites, to support the development of soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models.

These data are freely available to any SRNWP member and academic institutes for research purposes. End users, still have to register first before downloading the archives.

The selected observation stations are Fauga-Mauzac (France), Payerne (Switzerland), Lindenberg (Germany), Cabauw (Netherlands), San Pietro Capofiume (Italy), Sodankyla (Finland) Cardington (UK), Debrecen Kismacs (Hungary), and Valdaj (Russian).

You need a password to
download the observations.
If you don't have, get one.

Fauga-Mauzac (FR)

Payerne (CH)

Lindenberg (GE)

Cabauw (NL)

San Pietro Capofiume (IT)

Sodankyla (FI)

Cardington (UK)

Debrecen Kismacs (HU)

Valdaj (RU)

Ok, I get it, but
is Sodankyla?

2. Motivation

A correct representation of the land-atmosphere coupling is essential for producing high quality regional and local weather forecasts, e.g. screen level temperature, fog and low level cloudiness, mixing height, convection triggering. The phenomena taking place at the land-atmosphere interface are very complex, with many feedbacks and non-linearities; consequently, an accurate diagnostic of our model weaknesses and the subsequent improvement of the models requires a set of observations as complete as possible.

Data from field experiments are very valuable, but are limited to a fixed period of time, which is inconvenient when developing and testing operational models. There are some excellent operational observation sites in Europe, but it is always difficult to get the data from outside of ones own country. The proposed task should help to overcome this difficulty.

3. Involvement

Contact persons


The permission for data access was kindly granted by the directors of the national meteorological services. Data of the previous year is made available within 6 months after the end of the calendar year, on a password protected page of this web site. Data is then kept at least 10 years on the web site.

The Consortium for Small-Scale Modelling (COSMO) takes over the responsibility for the collection and provision of these data.