Register to access observation archives

The SRNWP data are free to use, but registration is required. The registration provides name, university or research establishment affiliation and confirmation that the use will be for research and education and not for commercial use or redistribution in any way.


Conditions of use

  1. Observational data of the SRNWP data pool are made available free of charge in this site.
  2. These data are strictly for use in non-commercial research and education projects only. Scientific results based on these data must be submitted for publication in the open literature without delay. If you are unsure about the terms "on-commercial", "research" and "education", please contact the C-SRNWP project manager for clarification.
  3. Although care has been taken in preparing and testing the data products, we cannot guarantee that the data are correct in all circumstances; neither do we accept any liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the data products, their availability, or for any loss or damage arising from their use.
  4. Users should help improve the quality of the data and its delivery by giving feedback where appropriate.
  5. Contribution to the SRNWP data pool is open to anyone maintaining daily data for stations in the region. Please contact us if you want to take part

Citation and acknowledgement

Whenever you publish research or applications based in whole or in part on these data, you should include the following acknowledgement: “We acknowledge the data providers of the SRNWP data pool (ARPA-SIMC, DWD, FMI, KNMI, Meteo-France, MeteoSwiss, OMSZ, Roshydromet, UK MetOffice), the COSMO consortium and the EUMETNET C-SRNWP project.

Your registration







I have read the Agreement Terms and I accept them