38th EWGLAM and 23rd SRNWP Meeting

3-6 Oct. 2016, Rome-Italy

Agenda, presentations and posters

Monday, 3rd October
08:30-09:00Registration and Poster set-up
09:00-09:10 Opening by Col. Sivio Cau, Head of Italian Air Force Department for Meteorology
09:10-09:15 NWP Programme Manager: introduction to the meeting's programme ,
09:15-09:30 Dick Blaauboer Developments in EUMETNET: new Projects, preparation of new Programme Phase (2019-2023); EUMETNET Forecasting Programme
Consortia Presentations (chair: Bruce Macpherson)
09:30-09:45 Piet Termonia ALADIN
09:45-10:00 Michal Ziemianski COSMO
10:00-10:15 Jeanette Onvlee HIRLAM
10:15-10:30 Yong Wang LACE
10:30-11:00coffee break
11:00-11:15 Mike Bush Met Office
11:15-11:30 Ljiljana Dekic SEECOP
11:30-12:00 Willem Deconinck ECMWF
12:00-13:30lunch break
Review talks (chair: Philippe Steiner)
13:30-14:00 Siebren de Haan Data Assimilation: The ASIST nowcasting programme
14:00-14:30 Jose A. Garcia-Moya Zapata Predictability and EPS: Status and future steps of the SRNWP-EPS II Project
14:30-15:00 Jeanette Onvlee Applications: WMO Nowcasting symposium 2016: nowcasting seen from a global perspective
15:00-15:30 Patrick Samuelsson Surface aspects: Towards hydrometeorological forecast systems
15:30-15:50coffee break
15:50-16:20 Discussion on the future of the C-SRNWP Project (in the new Programme Phase)
Poster Session (chair: Michal Ziemianski)
16:20-17:20 Introduction to posters
Japan: Tadashi Fujita Austria: Clemens Wastl, Belgium: Alex Deckmyn, Bulgaria: Tsenova Boryana, Croatia: Martina Tudor, Czech Republic: Alena Trojakova and 2, Denmark: Bent Hansen Sass, Finnland: Carl Fortelius, France: Patricia Pottier and 2, Germany: Detlev Majewski, Hungary: Balázs Szintai, Ireland: Rónán Darcy, Italy: Francesca Marcucci, Netherlands: Dick Blaauboer, Poland ALADIN: Marek Jercynski, Poland COSMO: Joanna Linkowska, Portugal: Maria Monteiro, Romania ALADIN: Simona Briceag, Romania COSMO: Maco Bogdan, Russia: Gdaly Rivin and Inna Rozinkina, Serbia: Ljiljana Dekiæ, Slovakia: Maria Derkova, Slovenia: Neva Pristov, Spain: Javier Calvo, Sweden: Heiner Körnich and Ulf Andrae, Switzerland: Philippe Steiner, Turkey: Alper Güser and United Kingdom: Mike Bush
17:20-18:30Icebreaker and poster viewing session
18:30-20:00Surface Expert Team Meeting
Tuesday, 4th October
Thematic sessions of Expert Teams: data assimilation, dynamics, predictability, upper air physics
Session on data assimilation (chair: Claude Fischer)
08:30-08:45 Bruce Macpherson Met Office convective scale data assimilation developments
08:45-09:00 Pierre Brousseau Recent achievements in the data assimilation systems of Arpege and Arome-France
09:00-09:15 Mate Mile LACE data assimilation activities
09:15-09:30 Roger Randriamampianina Atmospheric data assimilation in Hirlam
09:30-09:45 Carlos Geijo Guerrero Weather Radar Data Assimilation in the ALADIN-HIRLAM NWP Shared System - Experiments and Developments done in AEMET
09:45-10:00 Christoph Schraff Towards an operational use of the Kilometre-scale Ensemble Data Assimilation (KENDA)
10:00-10:15 Ljiljana Dekic LETKF-NMMB, Hybrid EnVar-NMMB data assimilation
10:15-10:20 Michael Tsyrulnikov A limited-area spatio-temporal Stochastic Pattern Generator (poster)
10:20-10:25 Rachida El Ouaraini Sensitivity of regional ensemble data assimilation spread to perturbations of lateral boundary conditions
10:35-11:00coffee break
Session on dynamics, lateral boundary conditions and system aspects (chair: Piet Termonia)
11:00-11:20 Petra Smolikova Dynamics in LACE
11:20-11:40 Michael Baldauf Review about the current dynamical core and other numerics developments in the COSMO model
11:40-12:00 Willem Deconinck Progress in Numerical Methods at ECMWF
12:00-12:20 Philippe Steiner Performance On Massively Parallel Architectures: status and plan of the COSMO project
12:30-14:00lunch break
Session on predictability (chair: José Antonio Garcia-Moya)
14:00-14:20 Martin Bellus Recent activities on LAM-EPS in LACE
14:20-14:40 Inger-Lise Frogner New developments in HarmonEPS and GLAMEPS and future plans
14:40-15:00 Chiara Marsigli Ensemble developments in the COSMO Consortium
15:00-15:20 Susanna Hagelin Current and future configurations of MOGREPS-UK
15:20-15:40 Detlev Majewski IVS: A seamless Nowcasting and very short range forecasting system
15:50-16:10coffee break
Session on upper-air physics (chair: Bent Hansen Sass)
16:10-16:30 Matthias Raschendorfer Recent developments in COSMO physics
16:30-16:50 Neva Pristov ALARO Physics Developments
16:50-17:10 Lisa Bengtsson Recent developments in HARMONIE-AROME physics
17:10-17:30 Claude Fischer Progress and plans on numerical aspects and parametrization in Arpege and Arome-France
17:30-17:35 Emily Gleeson Radiation Experiments using the ALADIN-HIRLAM System (poster)
17:50-19:30ALADIN LTM meeting
Wednesday, 5th October
Thematic sessions of Expert Teams: Link with applications, verification
Session on link with applications (chair: Mike Bush)
08:50-09:10 Pierre Eckert on the use of the INCA nowcasting system in combination with COSMO-1km
09:10-09:30 Andre Simon and Mate Mile Nowcasting systems and user applications; experiences from INCA, Proforce and ASIST
09:30-09:50 Slobodan Nickovic NMMB model as a driver for aerosol and hydrology modelling.
09:50-10:10 Andrzej Wyszogrodzki Application of COSMO NWP to nowcasting system at IMGW-PIB.
10:10-10:30 Trond Iversen The Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) and short-range NWP
10:30-10:50 Pierre Brousseau AROME-NWC, an operational nowcasting tool based on AROME France: description and experimentation
10:50-10:55 Ida Fossli Storm forecast using the AROME-Arctic mesoscale model (poster)
11:05-11:30coffee break
Session on verification (chair: Clive Wilson)
11:30-11:50 Flora Gofa Current activities on verification in COSMO
11:50-12:10 Isabelle Sanchez verification of the nowcasting version of AROME-France
12:10-12:30 Bent Hansen Sass Status and plans for verification in HIRLAM-C
12:30-12:50 Clive Wilson Comparison of Fractional skill score and new HiRA verification: Experience in parallel trials
14:30-22:00Excursion and dinner
Thursday, 6th October
Thematic sessions of Expert Teams: surface aspects, EWGLAM final discussion, SRNWP business meeting and SRNWP Advisory Committee meeting
Session on surface aspects (chair: Ekaterina Kurzeneva)
08:40-09:00 Inna Rozinkina Snow water equivalent analysis based on modeling with usage of SYNOP measurements as observational data operator: experience of COSMO technology in Roshydromet
09:00-09:20 Martina Tudor Sea surface temperature in operational forecast (example of Adriatic Sea)
09:20-09:40 Patrick Samuelsson Development of surface physics and assimilation in HIRLAM
09:40-10:00 Jean-Marie Bettems COSMO surface overview
10:00-10:20 Patrick Le Moigne ALADIN surface overview
10:30-11:00coffee break
11:00-11:30 EWGLAM final discussion. Chair: Balázs Szintai
11:30-12:00 SRNWP business meeting
Balázs Szintaiactual coordination activities within C-SRNWP
12:00Closure of the "official" part of the meeting
12:00-13:00lunch break
12:30-14:00SRNWP Advisory Expert Team Meeting
14:00-18:00SRNWP EPS II Meeting